Google Ads

A potential customer on a smartphone about to search on Google and receive Google Ads.

What is Google Ads?

It’s all about getting your business to show up right at the top of Google when someone searches for the products or services you offer.

Think of it as having your store located on the busiest street in town, where potential customers are already looking for what you're selling. Our job is to make sure your business stands out, attracting more visitors who are ready to buy.

A Google Advertising Results dashboard, showing a significant increase in conversions.


A potential customer needs exactly what you offer and turns to Google…

Thanks to the Google Ads campaign, your business is the first they see, perfectly timed at their moment of need.

It's about being visible at that crucial decision-making moment, ensuring they click through to you and not your competitors.

Why use Google Ads?

  • You have complete control over how much you spend. We help you set a budget that works for your business, ensuring every dollar is spent wisely to bring in customers who are ready to buy.

  • Our targeted approach ensures you're bidding on keywords that your ideal customers are using. This means your ads are seen by the people most likely to convert, maximizing your return on investment.

  • Timing is everything in advertising. Google Search Ads ensure your business appears at the top of the search results precisely when potential customers are looking for what you offer, it’s a match made in heaven.

  • With advanced tracking and analytics, we can see exactly how your ads are performing. This data allows us to continuously refine and improve your campaigns, ensuring you get the best results for your investment.


  • The cost of Google Ads varies based on competition, your budget, and how well your campaigns are managed. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad, with the flexibility to adjust your spending at any time.

  • Google Ads is an online advertising platform that allows businesses to display ads on Google's search engine results page. It operates on a pay-per-click model, where businesses bid on keywords to appear in top search results.

  • Running Google Ads involves creating a campaign, selecting your target audience, choosing relevant keywords, setting a budget, and crafting compelling ad copy. It's a process that combines strategy with ongoing optimization to achieve the best results.

  • Keywords in Google Ads are words or phrases that users might type into Google when looking for your products or services. By bidding on these keywords, you can display your ads to users who are searching for related terms.

  • The choice between Google and Facebook Ads depends on your business goals and target audience. Google is ideal for capturing demand when users are actively searching for products or services, while Facebook is great for creating demand through interest-based targeting.