Tracking & Analytics

A user browses the web, tracked by cookies and third party tracking software.

What is Tracking & Analytics

In the digital realm, understanding your audience goes beyond just knowing their demographics. You’ve heard of ‘cookies’ or ‘pixels’, but what are they? They’re little snippets of code that send notifications (called events) to your analytics platform whenever a user take specific action (called a conversion)

It's about diving deep into the 'how' and 'why' behind user actions on your website. Utilizing cutting-edge tools, we unlock a comprehensive view of who your users are, where they come from, and what actions they take on your site.

This rich insight allows the testing and refinement of marketing tactics, optimisation of web pages, and improvement of conversion rates.

A business owner can see the improvement in their online metrics month after month.


having the power to see not just numbers, but stories behind every visit to your website. Knowing exactly what content captures attention, which buttons get clicked, and the path users take through your site.

We turn this into reality, providing you with actionable insights to fuel your marketing strategies, leading to optimized web performance and maximized conversion rates.

Why Focus on Tracking & Analytics?

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of user behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns on your website, enabling data-driven decisions.

  • Access real-time data on website performance and user actions, allowing for swift adjustments to your marketing strategies and web optimizations.

  • Utilize your existing data to create detailed audience profiles and execute precise retargeting campaigns, ensuring your marketing messages reach the right users at the right time.

  • Identify friction points and opportunities for enhancement on your website with website heatmaps, improving user experience and conversion rates.


  • A Meta Dataset, formerly known as Facebook Pixel, is a code snippet you place on your website to collect data on visitor activity. It helps in creating targeted advertising campaigns on Facebook and other Meta platforms by understanding user behavior.

  • Meta Pixel works by tracking user actions on your website, such as page views, clicks, and purchases. This data is then used to measure the effectiveness of your ads and to create targeted audiences for future campaigns.

  • A website heatmap is a visual representation of data showing how users interact with your website, including where they click, scroll, and how much time they spend on specific sections. It's invaluable for understanding user engagement and optimizing web design.

  • Yes, Google Analytics offers a free version that provides a wide range of features suitable for most businesses. There's also a premium version, Google Analytics 360, for enterprises requiring more advanced capabilities.

  • The time users spend on web pages varies widely depending on the content, design, and user intent. Analytics tools can provide specific data for your site, which is crucial for understanding engagement levels and optimizing content to retain visitors longer.